Welcome to the Bad End Friends Wiki!

Not every story has a happy ending, as these poor souls had to suffer the worst fate...
Not to be confused with a Villains Wiki, this fandom is dedicated to ruining the lives of our most beloved cartoon characters. Bad End Friends are popular characters from any animated media that got "The Bad Ending." This usually includes traumatic events, and (possibly) a turn to villainy.
All of the Bad End Friends are, just that. A group of friends that work together and go on adventures. Fanfiction and Fanart are highly encouraged!
Fanfiction and Lore Information
For those choosing to contribute to the fandom by creating stories for these characters, there’s a couple of points to note:
- The only official lore for characters is their origin. This allows a lot of flexibility for authors and artists, as they don’t have to adhere to a single story.
- Backstories are not origins, and therefore not official lore. It is important to know the difference between the two. Origins are the creation of the character, which cannot be changed. Backstories are details about their world and history, and are only there to give inspiration, or be an outline if you need one.
- If you choose to create stories or backstories for characters, it does not become official lore. This includes any backstories written on the character pages.
“What I wanted to center everything around was the idea...that the characters were not the story. The story housed the characters.”
-Wilbur Soot, referring to The Dream SMP
Discord Server
We have a Discord server for Bad End Friends, run by CutieKitty. Refer to the Server’s page for rules. You can connect with other BEF fans, share art, and more.
Character Suggestions
Not just any character is a BEF, so be sure to check if your character is already in the character lineup. If it isn’t, you can check the BEF Worthy Rules to make sure that your character meets the qualifications! After that, submit your idea to the comments of Character Suggestions. Don't be sad if your character isn't deemed worthy enough to be in the BEF, as it's an exclusive title!
Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at The Bad End Friends Wiki!
BEF Worthy Rules
Be sure to check out the Rules, if you'd wish to add a character of your own! (Not referring to OC's, as they are prohibited)
Rule Suggestions
If there is any rule you'd like to add/rephrase, then click the link above, which will redirect you to the Rule Suggestions page.
If you have any other questions, please click the link above.
If you have any issues, please contact the following people. The order shows how often they are active.
RayvenShade (Admin, Content Moderator)
TypicalS̶T̶Art (Content Moderator) (currently on leave)
Bippersepticeye (Admin, Bureaucrat)
Monothinman4596 (Admin) (Mostly active)
FrostBeast5 (Bureaucrat, Content Moderator, HAS LEFT)
Note: Please contact one person at a time, do not suggest a character or speak of an issue to all 4 Moderators at the same time.